Why your business needs a writer

9th Mar 2015 0 By Juliet Platt

Have you got one of these yet?

round tuit

It’s a round tuit: especially useful if you have any writing projects that keep dropping to the bottom of your priority list. Get a round tuit and you’ll be able to stop worrying about them.

Maybe your business message needs to be untangled, or your website  updated.

Maybe you could do with a communications strategy that sorts out the ‘who, what, how, when and why’ of your business’s pitches.

Maybe you need some incisive blog content that establishes you as a trusted authority in your field.

Or maybe you need to present some of your current customers’ stories, testimonials and case studies to provide proof to your future prospects of how you will help them too.

As soon as you get a round tuit all these projects will be DONE.

Imagine how that’s going to feel? Imagine how it will feel when you are truly confident about winning new business. How will it feel to finally become an influential player in your industry?

It will be amaaazzzing. You will wonder why on earth you never got a round tuit sooner.

But quick – there’s a world shortage of round tuits! If you don’t get one soon you will lose out, and you will be waving bye-bye to your dream of new business and influence.

Or you could try a different tack.

You could, instead, hire a writer.

The decision is yours.