How do Case Studies affect the relationship I have with my customer?

How do Case Studies affect the relationship I have with my customer?

3rd Jun 2020 0 By Juliet Platt

How Case Studies affect the relationship you have with your customer is an important question.

It’s not something that should be overlooked or treated casually. Your customers are your greatest asset and need to be treated like royalty.

Deeper partnership

Case Studies are an opportunity to celebrate success and tell the world of the great work you have delivered – and the great results your customer is achieving. They make professional feel-good moments possible and can contribute to a deeper sense of partnership.

Careful interviewing

Of course the Case Study process needs to be handled professionally. You have one shot at the interview so you need to get it right first time to prevent annoying your customer with additional questions.

Warts and all conversations

A thorough Case Study asks the awkward questions as well – such as how you tackled issues and obstacles and when things went wrong. This can be uncomfortable and is better handled by an impartial third party rather than yourself.

Protect your relationship

Getting Case Studies produced professionally means you can protect the good relationship you have with your customer and still get a thorough and impactful customer story that will be a powerful addition to your prospects’ buying journey.