Shall I video my Case Studies?

Shall I video my Case Studies?

8th Jul 2019 0 By Juliet Platt

Video or text?

Are you wondering whether to use video or text for your Case Studies?

Video is being used increasingly in all online content. Everything from testimonials, product and service positioning, training and sales can be presented in video form. It’s a powerful medium. It can drive engagement, convey sincere client enthusiasm and give the viewer a flavour of who you are as a business.

However, there are a couple of issues.

Pros and Cons

Firstly, how do you know how your prospect feels about watching videos?

Videos can take longer to watch than it takes many people to read a well-crafted and targeted document.

If a purchasing executive is researching your offering and comparing your product or service to your competitors they are likely to have a lot of information to sift through. If that information is only available in a video you are missing the opportunity to position your offering. Busy, fast-reading prospects may click away.

Secondly, presenting videos of your clients describing their experience with you can backfire. Not everyone feels comfortable on camera. Speaking from a script can be monotonous; and winging it is risky.

Short video testimonials which capture the energy of a client’s experience in the moment can be effective. But lengthy face-to-camera interviews are unlikely to retain your prospects’ interest.

So what’s the solution?

While the trend for video is growing, nothing beats a clear, easy-to-follow written Case Study narrative. It can be skimmed, speed-read or gone through with a fine-toothed comb. The trick is in making sure that it checks all the boxes of your prospects’ main questions.

Nevertheless there is still a place for video. It’s a good way for your prospects to get to know you if you comfortable on camera, and can deliver a compelling and dynamic video presentation.

For example it can be effective to film a short response to the featured Case Study. This is a good way of giving your take on your client’s success; and giving a persuasive call-to-action to the prospect who has liked what they’ve read enough to hang around to watch the video!

So to answer the question ‘Shall I use video?’ I would say there is always room for everything, text and video. Just choose wisely where you put it and how you use it.

For a no obligation chat about your Case Study requirements, do get in touch. It would be great to know how I can help.