What’s so great about Case Studies?

5th Jan 2015 0 By Juliet Platt

Case Studies are great because they tell true stories. They allow us to activate our ‘mirror neurons’. They enable us to have a vicarious experience of another’s success, which in turn helps our own decision-making processes.

As social animals the greatest influences in our lives and our understanding are those around us. We learn from each other, and have the ability to empathise with other people. This is why stories are central to our human experience.

People may not realise what their issues are –  until they recognise them in a story. And when the story is well-researched and well-written with potential readers in mind, suddenly their issues become visible, recognisable. Suddenly we find ourselves  reading about our own challenges –  and about how someone else has overcome the same challenges – and we are inspired.

Over the Christmas period I read four self-development books which were heavy on the personal story angle. They presented numerous Case Studies on how people had implemented the lessons offered. As a result the books weren’t just dispensers of worthy advice. Instead they were living documents of real experience and success. They made compelling, life-changing reading. They got me to change my thinking and my behaviour. Stories have the power to do that.

Case Studies are great because they tell the stories that bring our product or service to life. They present the dream we want our customers to buy into, and they prove that dreams can come true.