Where to use your Case Studies

Where to use your Case Studies

30th Sep 2019 0 By Juliet Platt

Where to use your Case Studies once you have produced them is an important question. To attract most attention you want to extract the maximum value out of the information they contain and position them optimally.

Here are some suggestions:


Positioning them on your website under the Case Studies or What Clients Say tab is the obvious place to start. This is where you wish to drive traffic.

However it would be a mistake to just leave them there and wait for visitors to bounce from them. Include Calls to Action wherever you publish your Case Studies to encourage greater engagement.

Print Brochures

Using them in print material is a good idea – especially if you promote your business at conferences and shows. This gives prospects something to take away – although it can be expensive to produce printed materials. Also adding more glossy paper to the information overload can be costly to the environment.

Direct Mail

If you are in the habit of contacting your prospects with hard copy mailshots you can include your printed Case Studies as part of the information pack.

Social Media

An even more powerful and effective way of using your Case Study material is to re-purpose it as content across your social media platforms.

And I don’t just mean publishing links to the whole document. Although that’s a good idea too.

Rather I advocate teasing out the specific customer questions that feature in your Case Study and writing social media posts and snippets that address each specific answer.

So effectively one Case Study could deliver a whole month’s worth of engaging and informative social media posts. These could then drive traffic to your website for the whole Case Study and call to action.

Email campaigns and newsletters

You  may choose to feature different angles on your Case Study in your email and newsletter sequences. Again this is a way of re-purposing your Case Study material and presenting it in a way that makes most sense to your followers.


LinkedIn is a place where you can publish your whole Case Study either as an article, or as part of your profile.

There are also specific groups where your target clients share insights and ideas within their group discussions. These are good places to position your success stories – as long as they are relevant to the discussion at hand and provide useful nuggets for the benefit of the group’s members.

It’s important to follow certain protocols and etiquette and only share information in this context that is genuinely helpful. Don’t use your Case Studies to spam people or to pitch your services.

Get in touch today to discuss how you can re-purpose your existing Case Studies for greater audience engagement.