Why do I need an external writer?

Why do I need an external writer?

22nd Jul 2019 0 By Juliet Platt

‘I am an expert’

As a business owner it’s completely reasonable to be asking “Why do I need an external writer?”

You know your business inside out; you spend all day every day talking about your product and service; and noone knows your market sector better than you.

And when it comes to Case Studies, of course you know your clients pretty well too – and they’d be happy to give you a great report on the work you have completed for them. (Except you haven’t had time to ask them yet, right?)

But each of these assertions might be hiding the very reasons why an external writer could be just what you need.

Managing vs Marketing

Knowing your business inside out is obviously good when you are managing it – less good when you have to communicate about it. While it’s tempting to describe everything you do, the features and benefits of your offering, all of your awards and industry accolades, where you’re based, your number of employees and clients etc.,  there are really only TWO things your prospects want to know.

Those two things are:

  • Can I trust this business?
  • How will this business contribute to my success?

You may well feel that it’s important to divulge as much information as you know in order to engender trust. But there is such a thing as TMI (Too Much Information)!

The Helicopter View

Proving your trustworthiness actually requires you to take an objective step back. Taking a helicopter view of your prospects’ questions and concerns enables you to answer them clearly. Having an external writer who is already removed from your organisation makes this more straightforward.

Add to this the fact that while you’re thinking about your product or service all the day long, external writers actually spend their time thinking about what questions to ask to get the clearest answer.

For example, perhaps there’s a noddy question about your industry that you’re shy of asking. Maybe your prospects have the same question and are dying to know the answer. Imagine if the business that answers it first will gain their trust in spades.

Case Studies to the rescue

External writers are never afraid of asking the noddy questions for the sake of clarity. This is why Case Studies conducted by an external writer can get to the nub of what makes your business the most trust-worthy and successful.

And you don’t have to be shy about blowing your own trumpet. You can get an external writer to do that for you.

Have the courage to go for clarity and transparency in your content and your Case Studies. Cut yourself some slack, remove yourself from the process and hire an external writer instead.