Why I love producing Case Studies

Why I love producing Case Studies

10th Mar 2020 0 By Juliet Platt

Every single client I work with reinforces why I love producing Case Studies.

Whenever I talk to my clients I am always blown away by their passion, enthusiasm and professionalism. And then the appreciation my clients’ customers show for what they have received truly restores faith in human enterprise!

As I review my portfolio of IT and manufacturing Case Studies it’s fun to pick out a few highlights that I have particularly enjoyed.

For example…

Highlight #1

A great story about how two manufacturing companies struck up an unlikely partnership to solve a mysterious soggy problem! My client had to draw on ingenuity, perseverance and an out-of-season trip to Hemel Hempstead snow dome in order to invent a great new product that fit their customer’s requirements perfectly. What results is a showcase of resourcefulness, determination and innovation. It’s a very engaging read that makes me wish I had a manufacturing problem for them to solve too!

Highlight #2

Another of my favourite Case Study themes is how my IT clients help others achieve courageous and visionary implementations. To my clients this is all in a day’s work. Yet their customers are full of praise for the level of support they have received to push forward progressive IT agendas. This in itself is a great recommendation for my clients’ offering.

Highlight #3

Linked to this is the way my interviewees appreciate straightforwardness in my clients’ sales approach. The Case Studies I produce demonstrate my IT clients’ integrity and utter conviction in their solution to not ‘overegg the pudding’ in the sales approach. One IT software provider in particular was praised by their customer for keeping a stringent focus on the benefits of implementing as little as possible. The Case Study presents a reassuring picture of my IT client’s confidence and trustworthiness. Compelling stuff!

Highlight #4

The most compelling story of all is the one where IT villains become heroes. Having worked in corporate IT myself I know only too well  what happens. When things are going smoothly noone thinks about IT. But when things go wrong everyone complains about IT! So the Case Studies that show how my clients have helped IT departments prove their worth are brilliant. It’s time for a shift in perception. It’s time for IT to blow its own trumpet – and Case Studies can really help do that.

If you have a backlog of success stories that you aren’t yet using to engage and compel your prospects I can help. Book an appointment to discuss your requirements and let’s talk soon. I’m looking forward to producing Case Studies for you too!