What immediate benefits can I achieve with Case Studies?
The immediate benefits that you can achieve through Case Studies are surprisingly simple yet powerful. One new client I worked with in the IT Sector knew that they needed some help tightening up their message and their copy. They felt that Case Studies would help them achieve this. Immediately after the briefing interview my client…
What do Case Studies look like?
What do Case Studies look like? In their rawest form Case Studies are Word documents containing text you can lift and place within your in-house branded templates. You might then publish these on your website pages, or any other medium. Design In order to present them in your marketing material you will want to apply…
How do I engage my customers in Case Studies?
The way to engage your customers in Case Studies is, first and foremost, to ASK them. This may happen after you’ve delivered your service, and once they are enjoying the benefits of using it. OR, even better, you can ask up-front, as part of the sales process. Making Case Studies part of your sales proposition…